Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 2
Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 2 30.9.16
Meet the Teacher Evening – Wednesday 21st September
Thank you to all the parents that attended the evening last week. We hope you found it informative. Thank you to the class Parent Forum representatives and class Governors that attended.
School Council Representatives
Congratulations to the pupils who have been elected by their class members to represent them on our School Council. Our new members for this academic year are:
Year One: James Elphick and Chloe Pemberton
Year Two: India Casson and Max Kellett
Year Three: Abigail and Jude Dunn
Year Four: Teddy Dore and Grace Wardle
Year Five: Georgie Collett and Gianluca Ravazzotti
Year Six: Millie Denyer and Imogen Kocher
Secretary: Molly Hood
The Key Stage Two representatives will be attending a School Council Conference with representatives from local schools on 13th October. The children will learn what it means to be a School Council representative. They will also be writing an action plan for the school.
A Fire Officer visits year 3
On Thursday 29th September Year 3 had a visit from a Fire Officer from Essex Fire Service. We had a very informative talk where the children identified potential fire hazards in the home. We learnt the importance of having working fire alarm on each floor of a house. We also watched a film showing how a family escaped a fire from their home and discussed the need to have a fire escape plan. All the children listened very well to the Fire Officer and asked lots of questions. The children and the staff, learnt a lot about potential fire hazards and how to keep ourselves safe.
Years 5 and 6 Girl’s Football
The girls in Years 5 and 6 enjoyed a morning of football training in the sunshine at JFAN on Wednesday. They worked in groups alongside children from local primary schools with coaches from the Essex County Football Association Development team.
After 1.5 hours of skills training they competed in a mini tournament and are now looking forward to sending a team to the girls football tournament at Herberts Farm next Wednesday. Good luck girls!
Healthy Snacks
We would like to encourage all children to bring in a snack for break time. It is a long time between breakfast and lunch and a snack, as well as a drink of water, make a big difference to children’s concentration levels and ability to learn. As a healthy school we have agreed strict guidelines for the type of snack brought in, it must be fruit or vegetable in the form in which it grew (ie. nothing added, not stretchy or made into a bar and wrapped). This also helps to promote our eco school policies of reducing waste and packaging.
Each class will be taking part in a healthy eating project this half term to promote the bringing of a healthy snack for break time with competition for good snack eating in fruity teams. We would also like to take this opportunity to encourage a healthy balanced lunch box for those not taking a school lunch. Classes will be working on ideas for this in their food technology lessons this year.
Please note that we are a nut free school. We have several children with allergic reactions and therefore children cannot bring nuts in their snacks or lunch boxes.
Thank you.
Harvest – a change to the original communication
During the week 10th – 14th October, we will be celebrating harvest in school. This year, we will be supporting the Bishop’s Stortford food bank for our harvest celebrations. There is a slight change to the items printed in the last school newsletter. This year there is an URGENT need for the following items and we would be so grateful to you and the children, if you were able to donate any of them to the Food Bank this Autumn.
This year, we are particularly requesting the following items:
- Tinned sponge puddings
- Tinned fruit
- Tinned meat (ham/corned beef/spam)
- Long life fruit juices
- Tinned rice pudding
- Instant noodles / pasta (packets)
- Small cartons of drinks
- Long life milk
- Bottles of squash
- Ketchup/brown sauce/mayo
- Sugar – small 5oog
- Instant mashed potato
- Jam
- Cereal bars
- Toiletries – shampoo/toilet rolls/shower gel/deodorant
Many thanks for your continued support for this worthy cause.
Mrs Course
PE Clothing – a reminder
In compliance with health and safety regulations, earrings (including studs) must not be worn for any sport. Please make sure that children who wear earrings know how to remove them and have somewhere safe and clean to keep them during PE lessons. Thank you.
School Admissions – Primary and Secondary – Apply Now!!
To apply quickly and easily for primary and secondary school places go online to www.essex.gov.uk/admissions
For secondary applications – (children in year 6) apply between 5 September 2016 to 31 October 2016
For primary applications – (child born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013) apply between 14 November 2016 to 15 January 2017
Free School Meals Funding
You can register for Free Schools Meals Funding if you meet the criteria below.
If you have a child in Key Stage One and are receiving the free meal which is part of the universal offer you could be missing out on this additional funding for the school, which will support your child with their learning, if you meet the criteria below. You have to apply for this funding. If you think you meet the criteria below then please follow the guidance below and contact the school office.
30th September Macmillan Coffee Morning
3rd – 7th October Friendship Week
3rd – 7th October Book Fair
10th October E-safety for years 5 and 6 pupils, all class teacher and years 5 and 6 parents
13th October School Improvement Evening for staff and governors
13th October School Council Conference
14th October Halloween Disco – Friends of Clavering
18th October Parent Consultations 5 – 7pm
20th October Parent Consultations 3.30 – 5.30pm
21st October Non pupil day – INSET – Consortium Conference
8th November Bag2School – Friends of Clavering
11th November Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Year 6 parents
11th November Individual and family photographs
17th November Film Night – Friends of Clavering
25th November Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Year 4 parents
2nd December Christmas Fayre – Friends of Clavering
7th December Tray Day 3.15 – 4pm
14th December KS1 Dress Rehearsal am, KS2 Dress Rehearsal pm.
15th December Reception Nativity am, KS1 performance pm, KS2 performance eve
19th December Christmas Shopping Morning – Friends of Clavering
20th December Christmas Lunch
20th December Church Service
20th December Christmas Entertainment, Friends of Clavering
21st December Cross Country event am.
21st December End of term
5th January Spring Term begins
Week ending September 9th
Reception Hadley Harris – being kind and helpful all week.
Year One Joseph Lawless – fantastic, fast digit finding.
Year Two Aiden Prizeman – working very hard demonstrating good listening skills and for being a very helpful class member.
Year Three Jamie Donoghue – positive attitude towards maths
Year Four Jude Mack – working very hard all week in every maths lesson.
Year Five Georgie Collett – for a thoughtful and detailed approach to her work.
Year Six Izzy Palmer – an engaging and well thought out piece of writing
Week ending September 16th
Reception Luella Allen – for joining in and making lots of new friends
Year One Daisy O’Hara – super concentration and always doing her best.
Year Two Ted Rotheram – demonstrating great focus in all areas of learning
Year Three Ollie Dyster – his fantastic column addition work
Year Four Keira Shaw – beautiful handwriting
Year Five William Forster – improvement in attitude and effort particularly within handwriting
Year Six Isaac Bamford – high level thinking in his responses to the book and film of Northern Lights.
Week ending September 23rd
Reception Joshua Brookwell – working hard all week
Year One Skye Tinsley – for showing Mrs Langan how to spell words
Year Two Charlie Birch – for super listening skills
Year Three Rebecca Langton – for her positive attitude towards all her learning
Year Four Oscar Kellett – such enthusiasm in all his maths work
Year Five Grace Livesey – being a kind and caring member of the class
Year Six Sam Elliston – excellent contributions and asking intelligent questions in class
James Elphick – for being so kind and helpful to other people, especially at lunchtimes. James has earned 6 post it notes!!
Class One for earning so many post it notes between them for helping others at lunchtime.
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning –
26.9.16 Class 5
- Swimming for this term is for Years 2 and 3 on Mondays. Please make sure your payments are up to date, the cost is £5.00 per week, £65.00 per term. Please make cheques payable to Clavering Primary School.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop