A Trip to Shrepreth Wildlife Park
On Thursday 18th May Acorn Class visited Shepreth Wildlife Park to support their learning about Minibeasts. We had a fantastic day and were very lucky with the weather! We had an education session in the Discovery Centre where we learned the features of insects including a fun song. George dressed as an insect with the six legs coming out of his thorax! We all then held a number of giant minibeasts – a spiky stick insect from Papua New Guinea, a hissing cockroach, a giant Millipede and giant African Land Snails. We also saw a corn snake and some rabbits!
After our lunch we walked around the park seeing more insects in the tropical house – tarantulas, busy ants, a scorpion and some very well camouflaged stick insects. We loved viewing the tiger from the bridge and having the bats flying past our heads in the nocturnal house! The children were all brilliant, as were our wonderful parent helpers. Thank you for making it such a memorable day for the children.