Class Newsletter Autumn Term: Year 5/Badger Class
Class Newsletter Autumn Term: Year 5/Badger Class
Welcome back, I hope you have had a good summer. Please find below a brief outline of what we will be covering this term.
This term we will be looking at narrative fiction, exploring and responding to a variety of poetry, classic fiction in which we look at the book Goth Girl and the Ghost of a Mouse. Our non-fiction unit will cover travel writing.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, handwriting, guided reading, reading comprehension, vocabulary expansion and improving self-editing skills are ongoing. Spellings are set on a Monday morning and tested on Friday, children have a ‘Home Spelling Book’, in which they can record their weekly spellings (and any other words they find tricky) to bring home and practise.
Maths: Improving mental calculations, using knowledge of place value, to add and subtract using the column method, rounding including decimals, and understanding of Roman numerals. Interpreting time tables and line graphs, multiplication and division including formal written methods, squaring and cubing numbers, prime numbers and learning and improving times table knowledge. We will also learn to calculate and compare area and perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes.
Science: During the first half term we will be learning about living things and their habitats which includes life cycles and learning about famous scientists. We will then move on to looking at forces.
Geography: Climates and Biomes. During this topic we will learn about the basic geography of the world-countries, continents etc, and variation in physical and human geography around the world and the variety of biomes that can be found.
History: After half term we will move onto the topic of Early Islamic Civilisation, this will include identifying Mesopotamia, cuneiform writing and learning about the history of Baghdad, this will include a trip to a mosque.
Art, Design and Technology: In DT we will be learning about bread and the process of making it including the role of yeast. We will then move onto Islamic art in line with our history topic.
French: We will be learning about Les vêtements (clothing) and La nourriture (food).
Computing: We will be looking at E-Safety and data.
P.E: This Mr Dyce will be teaching football and cross country.. Tracksuits are advisable in the colder weather. A plastic bag kept inside the PE bag for muddy trainers is helpful.
Music: This term we will be covering brass.
RE: Stories from the New Testament followed by Diwali and Christmas.
PHSE: Citizenship / Making a positive contribution
Feelings and relationships.
Other information:
P.E.- This will be taught on Tuesdays and Fridays, before half term and Mondays and Tuesdays after half term. Please ensure all kit is in school for both days, long hair is tied up and earrings are removed. Make sure all kit and uniform is labelled so that missing items can be easily reunited.
Reading- Children have been given a new reading journal for the year in which they record the book they are reading, when they start and finish their books and upon completing their books, carry out one of the reading challenges which can be found on the inside front cover of their journals. Children are expected to read for a minimum of ten minutes a day.
Homework– Homework will be set every Friday and will be due in on the following Wednesday. Activities will be varying in subject from week to week. If homework is not completed by Wednesday it will be completed at break or lunchtime.
Pencil cases- Children are welcome to bring in their own pencil cases and are responsible for looking after the contents of their own pencil case. Please ensure they are of an appropriate size that can fit into their trays.
Key Dates for Your Diary
19th September- Class walk
21st September- Meet the teacher
Friday 2oth October– Inset Day
If you have any questions or concerns at any time please do come and talk to me after school, or make an appointment through the school office. I look forward to meeting you all soon.
Sarah Turner