Class 5 Newsletter – Spring Term
Spring Term Newsletter – 2018
Happy New Year!
Welcome back. I hope you have had a good Christmas break. Mrs Carline and I would like to thank you for all the lovely Christmas gifts we received at the end of last term
Please find below a brief outline of what we will be covering this term.
English: This term we are learning about Shakespeare, focusing on the plays Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. We will also be learning about classic poetry with a focus on The Walrus and the Carpenter by C.S. Lewis. Our non-fiction focus will be on argument and debate where we will look at the difference between fact and opinion, formal and informal language and hold a class debate. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, handwriting, guided reading, reading comprehension, vocabulary expansion and improving self-editing skills are ongoing.
Maths: Improving mental calculations-including times tables. Comparing and ordering fractions, understanding and identifying equivalent fractions. Recognising improper fractions and mixed numbers. Adding and subtracting fractions with the same and differing denominators. Multiplying proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers. Reading and writing decimals as fractions. Recognising and using thousandths and relating them to tenths, hundredths and decimal equivalents. Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number and 1 d.p. Reading writing and comparing numbers up to 3d.p. Understanding percentages as part of 100, writing percentages as fractions with a denominator of 100 and as a decimal.
Science: We will be moving on to properties and changes of materials learning about classification, uses, reversible and irreversible changes.
History/Geography: This term is a History topice: Stone Age to Iron Age. During this topic we will learn about the placement of the time period in world history. We will also look at archaeology and how we have gathered knowledge of prehistoric eras, Stonehenge and Skarra brae as well settlements of this period.
Art Design and Technology: This half term we will be learning about pop art and famous graffiti artists.
French: La famille and chez moi!
Computing: This term we will be covering programming and data handling.
P.E: Mr Dyce will be teaching tag rugby and indoor athletics. After the half term break he will be teaching hockey we will also continue with Netball.
Music: This term we will be covering brass.
RE: Hindu and Christian creation stories followed by Hindu rituals of death and Easter.
PHSE: Keeping safe and Medicine and drugs
Other information:
P.E. – This will be taught on Tuesdays and Fridays, before half term and Mondays and Tuesdays after half term. Please ensure all kit is in school for both days. Make sure all kit and uniform is labelled so that missing items can be easily reunited.
Please ensure that during the colder weather, children have warmer clothing such as tracksuits or skins, and additional jumpers-not the jumpers that they have been wearing in class. It is also advisable to send children in with a change of socks and roll-on deodorant.
Reading- Please encourage children to read daily and take responsibility for their reading journals. This includes bringing it to school every day, updating it when they start and finish a book and completing their reading challenges to an acceptable standard.
Times tables- it would also be greatly beneficial if children could be encouraged to practice their times tables at home in order to increase speed of recall in lessons, and help them improve in their weekly times tables test.
If you have any questions or concerns at any time please do come and talk to me after school, or make an appointment through the school office.
Sarah Turner