Headteacher Newsletter Issue 5
Parent Forum Meeting
Our Parent Forum meeting took place last week. Representatives shared homework strategies that have been collated. These are outlined below and a copy of the annually updated policy accompanies this newsletter.
We then moved on to any whole school ‘AOB’ items, such as the very disappointing poor attendance at the recent parent e-safety session, MDA recruitment, pupils being reminded to drink their water, voluntary contributions and the school’s ‘Take Ten’ system.
Jonathan Hill attended as the Safeguarding governor and as a parent that had attended the e-safety session. Parents that were able to attend the e-safety session will be circulating their notes as we feel strongly that parents MUST hear these messages. We are hoping for stronger attendance at the event next year. In the meantime here is a link to the presenters’ website, the messages around this topic are updated almost on a weekly basis – www.esafetytraining.org
- Fixed timing
- Many families fix the same time each week for homework, often at the weekend
- Leave everything out on Saturday night and the children know they need to do homework first thing on Sunday
- Flexible timing
- Many prefer a more flexible approach, fitting in homework around other activities throughout the week or at different times of day
- spellings at breakfast time, reading at bedtime
- Bribery!
- Lots of us do this in one shape or form
- fill a jar with marbles/pasta to earn a treat; chalk up points towards a treat
- No one-size-fits-all strategy
- Often the same strategy might not work for all the children in the family
- Try different timings and approaches for each individual child
- Addressing common battles
- Reading: finding a book series that interests the child can be key
- Energy: try feeding them right before homework
- Focus: make a designated quiet space/time for homework, eg. around the kitchen table with no music/TV on in the background
- Understanding: even as the children become more independent in KS2, it’s worth ensuring they understand the homework task and being on hand for questions or help. If children have trouble understanding their tasks, speak to the teacher
- Difficulties: if the child needs help or can’t complete homework by themselves, parents should make a note to the teacher so they can track progress
- Presentation: a request was made to add some lined sections or a line guide to the homework journal to help with presentation
- Lack of homework: if children are routinely coming home without homework or spellings, speak to the teacher
- Other tools/resources
- Some families subscribe to regular magazines, eg. First News, The Week Junior, Aquila
- Puzzles from the weekend newspaper
- Smart notebooks/stationery can help with motivation
Home Safety Talk
Last week, Year 3 had a visit from a member of Essex Fire and Rescue to talk to us about safety in the home. We learnt about the different fire risks we could encounter in the home, such as overheating chargers, hair appliances and cookers. We also learnt how to avoid fires and what we should do if there is one! We learnt lots and enjoyed out talk!
World War I Assembly
Last week, each class took part in a different activity to mark the centenary of WWI. There were a range of areas explored and activities undertaken, such as life on the home front, poppy making and poem writing. We then came together at the end of the week for a special assembly to share what we had learnt about the war and why it is so important to remember. Look out for examples of our work on display outside the office!
Visit to Classes 1 and 2 by the Clavering History Society
On Wednesday 7th November Sally and Joy visited Classes 1 and 2 as part of our topics on the local area and our school. Sally gave a PowerPoint presentation showing the history of Clavering primary school, which in the past was known as the Bottom School as it was for the younger children. We learnt that there has been a primary school in Clavering for 200 years but that the school building had been in different sites around the village. Joy had brought in some slates and examples of the dresses girls would have worn in the past. The children enjoyed trying writing on the slates and a couple of the girls tried on the dresses. The children were given photographs of school children in the past, which they put into a timeline. Both classes found the talk very interesting and learnt a lot about the history of our school. Thank you to both Sally and Joy for taking the time to research the history of our school and sharing it with us.
Cyber safety talk for Year 6
A representative from Essex County Fire and Rescue Service visited Year 6 to talk about cyber safety and follow up on the recent e safety talks at JFAN. The children were given opportunities to further discuss issues and concerns. They learned more about the dangers of strangers on the internet and how to make sure that they protect themselves from potential vulnerabilities when playing games and communicating with others on line.
Cross Country News
Teams from Year 5 and Year 6 represented the school at the Uttlesford cross country finals at Howe Green on Wednesday this week. The six girls and six boys from each class had both competed to win our family groups events earlier this term.
We are very proud of all the children who took part who showed great spirit, determination and support for one another.
A very special well done to Seraphina who came a fantastic first in the Year 6 girls’ race. Also, to the Year 6 girls’ team whose combined times meant that they were awarded first place out of the ten teams competing. They now go on to compete in the Essex finals later in the school year. Seraphina and Grace (who came in 1st and 4th) will also continue to represent the school in the Essex individual race finals.
Children in Need Friday 16th November
This year the School Council organised a Bring and Buy sale. They decided children’s books would be a good item for this event. Each class was asked to bring in a book they had enjoyed, to sell and £1 donation for Children in Need. The Bring and Buy was held in the hall and £168 has been raised so far. Well done everyone who took part!
E-safety messages from specialist Alan Mackenzie
Alan Mackenzie is an e-safety specialist. A link to his regular magazine is on our website. Below are his latest messages regarding e-safety –
“Facebook launches new live streaming app – no privacy settings:
You will hopefully be aware of TikTok (previously Musically) which allows for short (15 second) live streaming videos and the concerns particularly regarding CSE. Facebook look to be getting in on the action with their own version called Lasso. As I type this the app has just come out in the US; historically that means it will be here in the UK very soon. Concerningly, the app has been reported as having NO privacy settings. Quite what Facebook are thinking is beyond words. If I’m honest I don’t think we’re going to see much activity, Facebook are really behind the times but as long as you’re aware then staff can keep their ears to the ground. For a little more information see https://www.theverge.com/2018/11/9/18080280/facebook-lasso-tiktok-competitor-app
Fortnite scams and the new Call of Duty:
Fortnite is the most popular game I have ever seen, so it’s no surprise to see scams in big numbers. Between September and October this year there were over 53,000 reported scams! Most of these scams are preying on the vulnerability of children when they’re searching for V-Bucks (in-game currency) so it’s worth having a chat with children and letting parents know. See https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/gaming/fortnite-scams-free-v-bucks-epic-games-youtube-zerofox-cyber-crime-a8612361.html
Call of Duty Black Ops 4 was recently released and it has the same player mode as Fortnite (Battle Royale). I haven’t had time to have a play yet but my son has (he’s over 20). He tells me that the violence/gore is much more than previous versions of COD. I’ve been to a few primary schools this past couple of weeks and I’m already seeing growing numbers of Y5/6 playing the game. Please re-iterate age ratings to parents. I have spoken to some parents that think the age rating is actually a ‘difficulty level.’ “
16th November Year 6 Sharing Assembly – 2.45 pm
16th November Children in Need
22nd November Flu Vaccination
22nd November Bag2school
29th November Film Night
3rd December Tray Day 3.15 – 4.15pm
3rd December Years 5 and 6 trip to The British Museum
7th December Christmas Fayre
8th December Spirit of Christmas – school choir event
12th December Dress rehearsal KS2 am, KS1 pm. KS2 evening performance for
years 5 and 6 parents
13th December Reception Nativity am, KS1 performance pm. KS2 evening
performance for years 3 and 4 parents
17th December Christmas Shopping Morning
18th December Christmas Lunch and Friends of Clavering Entertainment
19th December End of term
3rd January Spring Term begins
Week ending November 2nd
Reception Elliott – brilliant independent writing
Greta – always thinking of words containing our new phonemes
Year One Samuel – always challenging himself with his work
Year Two Thomas – his great model making skills
Aaron – trying to do his best in Maths
Year Three Charlie U – great enthusiasm and answering of questions on our trip
Year Four Olly – working hard in all subjects
Year Five Harry – making great improvement to his writing
Year Six Millie – excellent persuasive writing in History
Week ending November 9th
Reception Claudia – being a kind friend
Joseph – writing his numbers very well
Year One Elliot – super addition and subtraction this week
Year Two Hadley – her excellent contributions to discussions in group reading
Year Three Henry – great use of column addition, using neat and methodical system
Year Four Isla – super concentration in all her work
Year Five Jack – his enthusiasm and progress in Maths
Year Six Maya – beautiful painting of poppies in the style of George O’Keeffe
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning –
10.9.18 Class 4
17.9.18 Class 6
1.10.18 Class 1
8.10.18 Class R
29.10.18 Class 5
5.11.18 Class 2
Class 2 – especially Amelia, Aaron, Emmie, Lola, Samuel, Hadley and Robin – for helping the Midday Assistants and Playleaders
School Admissions – Primary and Secondary – Apply Now!!
To apply quickly and easily for primary and secondary school places go online to http://www.essex.gov.uk/Education-Schools/Schools/Admissions/Pages/Apply-Online.aspx
For secondary applications – (children in year 6) apply by 31 October 2018
Secondary Admissions booklet:
For primary applications – (child born between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015) apply between 12 November 2018 to 15 January 2019
Primary Admissions booklet:
- SWIMMING, Year 2 will have a term of swimming instruction in the Autumn and Year 3 in the Spring. If your child is fit to attend school then they are fit to go swimming, unless a medical note is provided. Swimming will commence Monday September 10th for 13 weeks. Voluntary contributions, which cover the cost of the swimming teaching and transport, can be paid termly – £79.00 Please make cheques payable to Clavering Primary School.
- With the current road works along Stortford Road, please be extra vigilant when entering and leaving the school grounds. Please use the footpath to ensure the driveway is left clear for the school buses.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop