Headteacher Newsletter Issue 11
We would like to welcome the Finlay and Cameron and their family to the school. Finlay has joined Class 2 and Cameron Class 5.
Thank you Friends of Clavering
Just before half term we have 3 CleverTouch screens installed into classes 1, 5 and Reception. Thank you to the Friends of Clavering for raising this money for us. We now only have two more classrooms with the old Interactive Whiteboards, then all classes will have a CleverTouch screen.
Opening Ceremony Plans
At present we are in the process of organising an Opening Ceremony for our new expansion and Food Technology room. Trevor Oliver has kindly agreed to formally open the new provision for us on 26th March. He will also be working with year 6 leading up to the event teaching them some cookery skills.
Mr Phipps visits Class 6
We would very much like to thank Mr Phipps who once again visited years 3 and 6 last half term to offer his expertise as a Geologist to help their studies in Science. He talked to the children in Year 3 about rocks and Year 6 about fossils and evolution. The children all enjoyed his talks immensely, had many questions and were very interested in the many specimens from his own collections which he bought in to share with them.
Year 6 Tag Rugby
Year 6 fielded two very strong tag rugby teams in the family tournament at JFAN last week. Both teams played very well with the first team reaching the final which they lost by just one try to Great Chesterford. They will go on now to represent our family schools at the Uttlesford tournament next week at Carver Barracks.
Year 6 Hockey
Our hockey club children from Years 5 and 6 also played extremely well in a tournament at JFAN this week. Again both teams experienced a number of wins with just one draw and loss each. Eleven teams took part in all and the final scores were very close. Our first team came third in their group and the second team came in second place in theirs; both teams missed out by just one point.
A huge congratulations to all children taking part in these events. They each contributed well and demonstrated great team spirit and support for one another.
Relaxed Kids
Just before half term, Sarah Birch came into Reception class and ran a wonderful relaxed kids session. In the session we talked about our feelings being all mixed up like glitter in a jar. We went on a space journey to the moon and learned the importance of taking time to stop and to breath. The children got alot out of the session and we will build on this work in class.
Friends of Clavering Valentine’s Disco
The children enjoyed the Valentine Disco just before half term. Thank you to the Friends of Clavering for all their hard work organising this event.
URGENT: Online Safety – ‘MOMO Challenge’
A few newsletters back I mentioned the work of The2Johns who led our training for parents, staff and pupils last October. They are experts in the field of e-safety (online safety).
I want to alert you to one of their latest updates which is on their Facebook page. I have pasted the text below. Please read and act/monitor accordingly. Some of our children are accessing this:
“Urgent Post Regards significant Concerns we have about a new viral craze sweeping the internet called ‘MOMO Challenge’
This is yet another scaremongering challenge type situation that has previously appeared under different guises for example ‘Slenderman’ and ‘The Blue Whale Challenge’
This time though, we are extremely worried as we have information that suggests numerous children are now being exposed to the ‘MOMO Challenge’ on a daily basis and we want to make 100 percent sure that all our followers and their friends are fully sighted on the situation.
Basically kids are being convinced to contact a number via instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp that connects to someone running the challenge. Additional to this there are now numerous copy cat type situations where despicable people are posting ‘MOMO Challenge Videos’ embedded in seemingly okay youtube videos that are directed at children. Children are then told that they will die unless they follow through a challenge. Many of the challenges involve self harm and suicide. Some of the sketches depicting suicide are horrific.
We have attached pictures of the main icon used to denote the challenge online but aside from this there are many horrendous sketches.
We ask that where possible our followers share this post in the hope we can fully raise awareness.
Every Parent needs to make sure that they have a line of communication with their child at home whereby they will be able to speak to them if they come across anything that remotely links to this situation or indeed anything that links to ‘suicide advice’.
The children need to know they can raise these issues with their parents without then having to deal with an immediate ban from electronics etc for their honesty. If parents punish their children as a result of a disclosure relating to the ‘MOMO Challenge’ we would regard this as an extremely dangerous situation and strongly ask parents to think carefully about how they handle this issue.
If anyone has information linked to this craze that they want to share with people please let us know and we will share it.
If your child has been self harming for no reason or talking about scary things related to death there is a strong chance that this latest issue may be involved somewhere.
We are sorry this is such a long post and hope we have not missed the point
Best Regards
John and John
PS Please note we have also received information from parents that suggests some links to the challenge have been placed within the games ‘ROBLOX” and ‘Minecraft’ which adds yet another level of anxiety for us. This issue needs to be raised with children so they can’t walk into a bad situation.
Bad weather
In the event of severe weather conditions and possible school closure a notice will be placed on the school website.
Parents will be notified via our school website or the Essex County Council on the ‘Emergency School Closures’ page: https://www.essex.gov.uk/education-schools/schools/dates/pages/emergency-school-closures.aspx. We will always endeavour to provide details about school closure as soon as possible.
Please note that when the school is open in bad weather a path will be cleared to enable you to gain access to the school but care does still need to be taken.
The parents who agreed to assist the school with communicating school closure to other parents have now received their contact lists. It is important that this communication to other parents is made by telephone to ensure the message is received. Please do not rely on text messages, emails or social media.
2nd March FOC Quiz Night
5th March Parent Consultations 3.30pm – 6pm
6th March Parent Consultations 5 – 7.30pm
22nd March Sharing Assembly – invitation to Year 2 parents 2.45pm
29th March Sharing Assembly – invitation to Year 3 parents 2.45pm
1st April School Council Spring Fayre
3rd April Friends of Clavering Easter Fayre
4th April Tray Day
5th April FOC Easter Egg Hunt
5th April End of term
23rd April Summer Term starts
Week ending February 8th
Reception Lenny – outstanding responses in Guided Writing
Year One Charlie – fantastic phonics work this week
Year Two Amelie – being really focussed on her work
Year Three Martha – a great attitude to learning and brilliant story writing
Year Four Elissa – excellent effort with her handwriting
Year Five Agatha – good problem solving
Year Six Felix – excellent thinking and problem solving skills in Maths
Week ending February 15th – INSET
For children who have achieved their personal best:
Poppy – fantastic progress and confidence in Reading
Elliott – fantastic progress in phonics and using phonics to help him spell words
Year One:
George S – a great improvement in his handwriting
Cooper – for great Creative Writing
Year Two:
Wilf – for the improved fluency in his Reading
Robin – for the high standard of all her work this term
Year Three:
Ethan – brilliant effort and improvement in English
Henry – great attitude and effort in English and Maths
Year Four:
Joshua P – excellent effort with presentation
Claudia – excellent effort with presentation
Year Five:
Kitty – for bringing a thoughtful and curious approach to every lesson
Lucy – for being extremely helpful, focussed and always on task
Year Six:
Rose – for her conscientious approach to all her learning
Felix – for excellent thinking skills with the most challenging Maths work.
Cartoon Attitude Learning Awards
We have our super hero learning behaviours, which the children created in their house groups during friendship week last year. This half term the children worked hard on curiosity, championed by “Curi-paws”. Two children from each class were nominated for a special award and will enjoy a hot chocolate treat with Miss Allsop.
Reception: Mollie and Tommie
Class 1: Samuel and Oscar
Class 2: Louisa and Aurelia
Class 3: James and Woody
Class 4: Charlie and India
Class 5: Louis and Kitty
Class 6: Finley and Millie
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning –
14.1.19 Reception
21.1.19 Year 3
28.1.19 Year 6
4.2.19 Year 2
Albany, Seraphina, Grace and Keira for tidying the school library in their own time – thank you!!
- SWIMMING, Year 3 will have a term of swimming instruction in the Spring term. If your child is fit to attend school then they are fit to go swimming, unless a medical note is provided. Swimming will commence Monday 7th January for 12 weeks. Voluntary contributions, which cover the cost of the swimming teaching and transport, can be paid termly – £73.00 Please make cheques payable to Clavering Primary School.
- DINNER MONEY is £2.20 per day. If you wish to pay up until half term, the amount will be £68.20 or £134.20 for the whole spring term.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop