Headteacher Newsletter Issue 5
Remembrance Service
Year 6 children and some representatives from the School Council attended the Clavering Remembrance service at the memorial outside the Christian Centre on Monday this week. Each of the children read out the name of someone who had died from our area. It was lovely to be able to take such a large representation from the school. The children each spoke very clearly and conducted themselves very well throughout this very solemn and poignant occasion.
Playleader Graduation
Our Year 6 children celebrated the end of several weeks of training this week with their Play Leader graduation assembly. The children have been working very hard considering their role in the playground and how they can help and support the younger children. They have been learning new games and have created their own games to teach to others. On Monday they presented their ideas to the rest of the school and were awarded certificates and their new Play Leader hat. Jack, Matilda and Luca were selected as Lead Play Leaders and will be joining MDAs at meetings this year.
Years 3 and 4 Sports Hall Athletics
On Wednesday Mrs Dunlop from JFAN came and taught Years 3 and 4 Sports Hall Athletics. Each class was divided into different groups and rotated around the four activities. Everyone greatly enjoyed the training and Class 4 will be going to JFAN later this month to compete against teams from other schools in our area.
Mr and Mrs Wright visit Class One
Class One had a visit from Dr Gill and Dr Tim (Rosie’s Mummy and Daddy). They taught us first aid, we learnt how to help people if they are unwell. We were very excited to be able to practice using bandages, fake blood, dolls and fire wigs! We would like to thank them both very much, especially for the lovely book they gave each child to take home
Vision Day
On Friday 25th October, which was one of our INSET days, the whole school staff and governors came together for a Vision Day.
This is a regular event, where we look at our Core Values and next steps for the school.
The day was a great success and was led by Jonathan Hill, our Vice Chair of Governors.
The children shared their views prior to the event and these were shared during the day. Please see their views below.
As a result of the day, two working parties are being formed to update our current Values using the feedback generated during the day, as well as the children’s below.
The curriculum was also a main focus to support our annual review of this area, as well as the new OFSTED Framework considerations.
We had a productive and enjoyable day which just confirmed what a dedicated and hard working team we are all part of.
Thank you to Jonathan and the school community for making it such a success.
Vision Day – Pupils’ Viewpoint (the red font indicates multiple responses)
Qu 1 What makes our school special?
- Children
- Teachers
- Being kind
- Allotment
- Playground equipment
- Food tech
- Our school is creative and lots of fun
- Supporting each other
- Good lunches/nice food
- Climbing frame
- We raise money for those less fortunate
- MDAs
- Classrooms
- Lessons
- Dens
- Books
- Maisy the dog
- Lots of clubs
- Play leaders/Friends in Five
- PE with Mr Dyce and Mr Snelling
Qu 2 What are your favourite activities?
- Maths
- Art
- PE
- English
- Science
- Computing
- Playtime
- DT
- History
- Football club
- School trips
- Geography
- Forest School
Qu3 What do you like about the school grounds?
- Field
- Equipment
- Climbing frame
- Tyres
- A frame
- Train
- Allotments
- Friendship garden
- Reading circle
- Dens
- Decking
Qu 4 What are your favourite events held over the year?
- Sports Day
- Christmas Plays
- Christmas Fair
- Clavering Bake Off
- Friendship Week
- Spring fair
- Discos
- Cross country
- International week
- Mad Hair Day
Qu 5 Wish list – even better if…..
- Small football goals
- More play equipment
- Reception sleep time
- Better games at playtime
- More flowers
- Bigger library
- More trips
- Hot and cold selection for lunch
- Bigger reception playground
E-safety – Parent and Carer Online Toolkit (Childnet)
Childnet have updated their parent and carer toolkit that will help parents have conversations about online safety. Their booklet ‘Let’s talk about life online’ includes ten key messages that should be shared with children:
- “You can always come to me if you need help.”
- “What would you do if this happened…?”
- “Remember that not everyone is who they say they are online.”
- “Keep your personal information safe, and other people’s too.”
- “Be respectful to others online.”
- “Think before you post.”
- “Remember to ask if it’s okay.”
- “Remember not everything is true online.”
- “The things other people post online might not always show what their life is really like.”
- “Recognise how going online makes you feel and take a break when you need to.”
The Parent and Carer Toolkit can be found here: https://www.childnet.com/parents-and-carers/parent-and-carer-toolkit
PE Clothing – a reminder
In compliance with health and safety regulations, earrings (including studs) must not be worn for any sport. Please make sure that children who wear earrings know how to remove them and have somewhere safe and clean to keep them during PE lessons. Thank you.
School Admissions – Primary and Secondary – Apply Now!!
To apply quickly and easily for primary and secondary school places go online to http://www.essex.gov.uk/Education-Schools/Schools/Admissions/Pages/Apply-Online.aspx
For secondary applications – (children in year 6) apply from 12 September 2019
For primary applications – (child born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016) You can apply for a primary (Reception) place from Monday 11th November 2019.
Applications can be made online via www.essex.gov.uk/admissions
22nd November Open morning for new parents
2nd December Flu Vaccine
3rd December Reception Class visit Santa at Audley End
6th December Friends of Clavering Christmas Fair
11th December Christmas Performance dress rehearsals and evening performance for year 5 and 6 parents
12th December Christmas Performances – Reception, KS1 and KS2 (years 3 and 4 parents)
16th December Tray Day 3.15 – 4.15pm
16th December Friends of Clavering Christmas Shopping Morning
17th December Church Service
18th December Christmas Lunch and Friends of Clavering Entertainment
Week ending October 18th
Year R Hugo – using fantastic manners
Year One Tommie – super effort in English and knowing places need capital letters
Year Two Cooper – fantastic effort with innovating the story of ‘Stuck’
Year Three Taylor – great resilience and effort at Cross Country and a great explanation in Science
Year Four Joseph – positive effort towards Maths
Year Five Abigail – excellent listening skills and enthusiasm towards learning
Year Six Louis – excellent responses and participation in Friendship Week
Week ending November 8th
Year R Sophie – for being a brilliant climber in PE
Year One Oscar – for putting in great effort with his work all week
Year Two Jack – showing resilience in Maths this week
Year Three Ashton – hard work and excellent effort, especially in Maths
Year Four Holly – for finding 106 homophones
Year Five James F – for excellent Maths work this week
Year Six Harry – for great effort and enthusiasm in Maths, solving problems
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning –
23.9.19 Class 6
30.9.19 Class 1
14.10.19 Class 2
11.11.19 Class 1
SWIMMING, Year 3 will have a term of swimming instruction in the autumn and Year 2 in the spring. Swimming will commence Monday September 9th for 13 weeks. Swimming costs £6.75 per session. This can be paid termly – £79.00 Please make cheques payable to Clavering Primary School.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment
Have a great weekend
Rosalind Allsop