Headteacher Newsletter Issue 11
Professional Week
Parents and members of the local community visited classrooms at Clavering Primary School this week to share a taste of their professional life with pupils in the school. Children heard about a day in the life of a journalist, police officer, electrician, golf professional, solicitor, IT/Software, driving instructor, radio DJ, auction houses/art world, property construction, oil industry, doctor, forensics, advertising, magazine editor, general manager for hotels, environmental work.
Speakers described their daily routine and experiences to Reception to Year 6 classes, answering questions throughout their session.
We would like to thank all the parents and contacts that spoke to the children and Katherine Elphick for organising the event.
Behaviour Policy
Each year we review our Behaviour policy, but this year we have made quite a few changes that we want to share with you. It has already been shared with staff, pupils and our Parent Forum.
It has been written following detailed research into a variety of strategies along with meetings with our SEN team. The main message is that we are putting more attention focussing on positive behaviour and less dialogue around the negative. We have introduced an activity 2/3 times each half term celebrating the excellent role models within the school. They will be invited to take part in a fun activity led by Ms Crosby and her team. We are also starting a card system, in class, highlighting any behaviour a child needs thinking time for.
We have also separated the Anti Bullying part of the policy into a separate document.
For more detail please click on the link below which will take you to our policy which is now on our website.
ATTENTION ALL PUPILS, PARENTS & FAMILIES The circus is coming to school on Thursday May 21st so save the date!
Tickets will be available to purchase very soon for a fabulous family show. More details to follow, Your FOC Team
Year 6 Hockey
On Wednesday members of Year 6 went to Joyce Frankland to play a hockey tournament. We played against Newport, DAB, RAB1, RAB2, Newport 2, and St Thomas Moore. Everyone played their part really well and we are really happy with the result.
Hermione & Liv Year 6
Year 2 Multi-skills
On Wednesday 26th February Year 2 went to JFAN for a multi-skills afternoon with lots of other year 2’s from local schools. The children had a great time practising many skills such as balancing, jumping, throwing and catching. All the children joined in and had a great time.
Year 3 Dance Performance
Last Thursday Year 3 went to Saffron Walden County High School and did a dance called ‘The Black Pearl’ using music from the film Pirates of the Caribbean. We performed in front of a lot of people with lots of other schools dancing too. We worked very hard rehearsing and really enjoyed performing our dance!
Tag Rugby Finals
On Wednesday 4th March twelve year 6 children went to compete in the Uttlesford tag rugby finals at Carver barracks. We first played and won four games to get into the top group. We then went on to play 7 more matches. Everybody played well as a team and we finished 6th out of 18 teams.
Jamie and Rebecca Year 6
Sharing Assemblies – an invitation!
We would like to invite our parents to attend one of your child’s Sharing Assemblies. The assemblies take place in the hall on a Friday afternoon and start at 2.45pm. Listed below are dates when your child’s class will be taking part in a Sharing Assembly. Please join us on this date:
Spring Term:
Class 4 20th March 2020
Year 3 27th March 2020
Summer Term:
Class Reception date to be arranged
Class 1 date to be arranged
Class 2 date to be arranged
Class 5 date to be arranged
Snow Patrol
It’s that time of year again. If you would like to volunteer your services to help Mr Docking to clear the school grounds in the event of snow, please let the office know so that we can compile a list of names. We are very grateful for any offers of help, so that school can, where possible, remain open.
Bad weather
In the event of severe weather conditions and possible school closure a notice will be placed on the school website.
Parents will be notified via our school website or the Essex County Council on the ‘Emergency School Closures’page: https://www.essex.gov.uk/education-schools/schools/dates/pages/emergency-school-closures.aspx
Please note that when the school is open in bad weather a path will be cleared to enable you to gain access to the school but care does still need to be taken.
Communication Chain
Just as a reminder, in order for the communication chain to be effective it is important that phone calls are made as opposed to emails or texts, in order to ensure contact is made. Normally the chain will be activated the morning of the school closure as the decision is made on the day, unless in exceptional circumstances we know of the need in advance. We will try to open where possible, hence the decision being made at the last minute, once we can assess the school site. We will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible, but as you are aware it takes some time for the communication to pass through.
Facebook can be used as a supplementary means of communication if requested to do so by a member of the leadership team but this is not part of the school process. ParentMail, the Communication Chain, the school website and the Essex link above are the school notifications.
Thank you again for your support with this process.
20th March Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 4 parents 2.45 pm start
20th March Friends of Clavering ‘Break the Rules’ event
26th March Friends of Clavering Film Night
27th March Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 3 parents 2.45 pm start
28th March Friends of Clavering Quiz Night
30th March School Council Spring Fayre
30th March Tray Day 3.15 – 4pm
31st March Church
3rd April End of term
20th April Summer Term starts
May Day 2020 Bank Holiday Change
Following the announcement by the Government that, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day, the May Day bank holiday in 2020 will now be Friday 8th May 2020, instead of Monday 4th May 2020.
Week ending February 14th
Year R Matilda – for a brilliant description of her alien with beautiful writing
Year One Polly – for writing a fantastic traditional tale
Year Two Tommy – for always working hard, being polite and being kind.
Year Three Anna – for being kind, helpful and engaged in her learning
Year Four Barnaby – for super spelling
Year Five Harry – for being very polite and well mannered
Year Six Toby – for super spelling success
Week ending February 28th
Year R Tilly – for beautiful art responses to music
Year One Mollie – for trying hard to make her work really neat
Year Two Rowan – for excellent effort in writing this week
Year Three Brian – for great enthusiasm, especially in Science
Year Four Jack – for his improved reading
Year Five Charlie – for his great enthusiasm towards Maths
Year Six Kitty – for excellent thinking skills in Maths
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning:–
13.1.20 – year 3
27.1.20 – year Reception
3.2.20 – year 3
2.3.20 – year 2
Class 3, especially Poppy, Katie, Emma, Joshua B, Thomas, Kayleigh and Hadley, for helping the Midday Assistants and the Playleaders
- DINNER MONEY – School dinners must be paid for in advance. Now that payment is on-line, please check your KS2 child’s account regularly to ensure it is in credit. Dinners cost £2.20 per day, £11.00 per week, £66 for the first half of Spring Term, £132 for the whole of the Spring Term. If you have registered for an account, to make a payment, log into scopay.com.
- SWIMMING – Year 2 will have a term of swimming instruction in the Spring term. If your child is fit to attend school then they are fit to go swimming, unless a medical note is provided. Swimming will commence Monday 13th January for 11 weeks. A voluntary contribution, which covers the cost of the swimming teaching and transport is £70.00 Please make cheques payable to Clavering Primary School.
- Please ensure you keep to the pavements when entering and leaving the school and be mindful of vehicles on the driveway.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop