Class One Newsletter – Autumn Term 2020
Class One Newsletter Autumn Term September 2020
Welcome back to school, it has been wonderful to return after some time away. I hope you had a relaxing summer despite the changes and challenges brought about by the current climate. Thank you very much to all who have warmly welcomed me to school. It has been lovely to meet and talk with many of you and I look forward to meeting more of you as the term progresses.
Class One have settled amazingly well back into class. They have got used to our rigorous daily cleansing routine, their seating positions and are already becoming more independent as they put their belongings away correctly and get their personal resources out ready for the day.
Class One will initially spend the first part of this term settling back into a school routine. The school curriculum will be followed but with a greater focus on English, Maths, Phonics, some topic work, wellbeing strategies and promotion of good mental health.
Initially, there will be an emphasis of learning through play and the introduction of more structured forms of learning. Further into the term, once pupils settle, a more structured approach will be adopted and additional curriculum content added.
Please see the table below showing Class One’s learning for this term.
English | In English, the focus will be developing confident independent readers, correct letter formation and simple sentence structure. This will be done through targeted phonics lessons and learning linked to the books – ‘Not Now Bernard’, ‘Dear Zoo’ and ‘Dogger’. Pupils will focus on the predictive phrasing and repeating patterns within the text and familiar settings within the text. |
Phonics | Initially pupils will repeat and review many of the letter sounds (phonemes) already taught over lockdown. These include the phase 3 phonemes which are /j/, /v/, /w/, /x/, /y/, /z/, /zz/, /qu/, /oo/, /ar/, /or/, /ur/, /ow/, /oi/, /ear/, /ch/, /sh/, /th/, /ng/, /ai/, /ee/, /igh/, /oa/, /air/, /ure/, /er/. Phonemes are single sounds and are made up of single or multiple letters. For example, the /f/ phoneme is a single lettered sound and /ee/ sound is a two lettered sound (diagraph).
F-ee-t has 3 sounds. Later on in the term, pupils will focus on phase 4 and 5 sounds. These are specific blends and new phonemes. For example, /oy/ for b – oy (boy). The key objective is to secure the current phonetical knowledge and then to increase it by introducing new sounds so that pupils develop into fluent, independent readers. |
Maths | In Maths, we will focus on counting within numbers 1-20 and then recognizing and reading numbers up to 100. Later in the term, pupils will learn more about addition and subtraction within numbers 1-20. |
Science | Our science topic is the human body. We will focus on identifying and naming many body parts and linking some of these body parts to their 5 senses. |
Topic (Geography, History) | Our history topic is the Great Fire of London. We will explore how the fire started, what happened during the fire and what impact it had after the fire. |
RE | Our topic is ‘Special Me’. We will be looking at how we are special as individuals, who is special to us and why and what ways do our special people show us they care. |
Art and DT | In our art topic will be exploring hot and cold colours and experimenting with texture and patterns. This will also be linked to DT and our Great Fire of London topic where we shall construct and decorate a burning London house. |
Music | We will be looking at the song Hey You! It is written in an old school Hip Hop style. We will learn about the differences between pulse, rhythm and pitch. |
Computing | Pupils will be introduced to computers and their basic features and functions including how to turn them on, using it to type letters and numbers and play games. |
PSHE | We will explore the relationships and roles of different people in our lives and how we care for each other. |
Mental Health and Wellbeing | Pupils will regularly be exposed to mindfulness techniques, yoga and a focus on positive mental health strategies such as addressing worries and showing kindness and supporting others. |
PE | For the first half term, PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday. This will be based around developing multi skills such as balance, jumping and throwing. |
Within school, pupils will be reading with an adult every week. Please encourage a love of reading by providing as many opportunities for your child to read to you, ideally this should be daily. Please use their reading diaries to record their reading at home and provide a comment where relevant as this helps us to support them further during school time. As stated before, reading books will be changed and sent home on Mondays only. This is to reduce the risk of contamination. When books are returned, they will be quarantined before being included back into our selection. 3-4 books will be given to your child to read over the week. Repeated reading is also very beneficial as this promotes reading fluency (reading with speed and expression) and good comprehension skills should you discuss the book with your child.
Please could their reading diaries be brought to school everyday so that staff can record and comment on their reading during school time. Thank you.
Homework will be letter sounds (phonemes) to be learnt linked to our learning during the week’s phonics lessons. This will help reinforce the learning of these sounds. There will be a reminder of the letter sound to practice and 4 to 6 words that include that sound. A short informal spelling quiz will be conducted on a Friday to see if these sounds and words have been remembered.
Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit for the days they have PE. This half term, PE will be Tuesdays and Fridays. After this time, our PE lessons will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Pick up:
Thank you for being so patient and supportive during pick up times. I am working very hard to learn faces and names. During these times, I am the only adult in class and thus am unable to meet with you closer to the playground. To help me see and recognize you, please do come to the fence area directly opposite our classroom door (adhering to social distancing rules). That way I am much more able to see you clearly and I can also hear you better should you have a query or question I can try an answer from the doorway.
Should you have any queries or specific questions that cannot be answered during drop off or pick up times, please do not hesitate to get in contact with me.
Once again, thank you for your understanding and patience during this time. I look forward to getting to know all of you as the term progresses.
Kind regards
Mrs Carlisle and Mrs Abrahams