Class 1 Newsletter Summer Term 2021
Welcome back to school. I hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
I am very much looking forward to welcoming Class 1 back into school and forging forward with some terrific learning opportunities this summer term continuing on from the progress we have already made.
Please take note of the following:
Reading Books
Changing of reading books will continue to be weekly on Mondays. This is to allow for sufficient quarantining time when books return. 3 to 4 books will be changed and sent home every week unless there has been an indication in your child’s reading diary that the book has not been read yet.
It would help us enormously if you could indicate in your child’s diary whether a book has been read or not, particularly when no comment has been written in the diary. Please could you indicate by putting a tick next to the book title if your child has read the book and a cross if they have not read it.
Homework will resume this term. The homework activity will be linked to a specific learning focus from the week and will serve to support the learning further or to consolidate new learning.
Homework will be communicated via Teams as a weekly assignment. Just like before during remote learning, please submit your child’s homework via the ‘return’ function on Teams. Simply upload the completed work.
PE days
Class 1’s PE days remain on a Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes dressed to school in correct school PE clothing.
Please see the table below showing Class One’s learning for this term.
English | In English, we shall be exploring different examples of fantasy stories and what key elements are included within a fantasy story. We will be studying Pattan’s Pumpkin to help highlight these key features and writing our own stories inspired by the pumpkin story. We shall also focus on what fiction and non fiction texts are and how to write an information narrative. This will be linked to our Science topic of animal grouping (classification). We shall also focus on a key poet this term, appreciating their creativity and their poetic style. Our poet will be the very rhythmic Eloise Greenfield.
Class 1 have been introduced to specific joins in handwriting lessons and this will continue into the summer term. |
Phonics | In phonics, we will continue to consolidate all the phase 3 and phase 5 sounds. We shall also be focusing on the many alternative spellings of different phonemes (sounds) and practising the skill of selecting the correct grapheme (letters) for the word we want to spell. |
Maths | In Maths, Class 1 will be introduced to the foundations of multiplication and division. This will include and consolidate multiple counting of 2 and 5 and also the introduction of counting in tens. This will extend into grouping objects and numbers and sharing equally objects into different groups. Class 1 will also focus on half and quarter fractions and extend and consolidate their learning further with regards to place value by looking at larger numbers up to 100. There will also be practical elements including recognising different denominations of money and telling the time to the hour and half hour. |
Science | Our first science topic is all about animal classification. Class 1 will explore and investigate different types of animals and how identifying their differences and similarities, we can begin to group animals based on their varying characteristics.
For our second topic we will be investigating the basic structure of plants and exploring lots of different species of plant and tree native to our local environment. |
(History and Geography) |
Our geography topic will be exploring the physical and human geography of Australia whilst comparing its features to our locality. We shall be comparing the similarities and differences between them.
Our history topic will explore castles. We shall investigate different types of castles and the important role they played throughout history. |
RE | Our topic for RE links closely to nature. We shall explore the reasons why we should protect our natural world, the Gods associated with the forces of nature, the Christian creation story and other stories of Jesus linked to the natural world. |
Art / DT | Our art topic will focus on the artist Paul Klee and his particular abstract artistic style. We shall learn about his well known work ‘’Castle and Sun’ and develop skills and techniques to create our own Castle and Sun artwork. |
PSHE | Our topic focus will be health and wellbeing. We shall look at how to keep healthy mentally and physically. This will include the importance of healthy eating, exercise, good hygiene routines and keeping safe in the sun. |
PE | For this term the focus will be cricket and tennis skills. |
Music | Focusing on the ‘Your Imagination’ musical piece, we shall listen and identify a beat, perform actions or sound to music and chant songs using vocal control. |
Computing | We shall be focusing on eSafety, highlighting ways to keep safe when accessing content online and using technology to create artwork linked to our art topic Paul Klee. |
Should you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office and I will return your email or call as soon as I can.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards
Mrs Carlisle