Harlow Outdoors trip for Year 6 and other activities
Year 6 are enjoying their last few days at Clavering Primary School. The children have been practising lots for their leavers’ show which they will perform on Tuesday 20th July. Around rehearsals, we have also had different fun activities. On Monday 12th July Year 6 watched a film with popcorn, drinks and sweets (kindly provided by Mrs Martin and Mrs Elliston) and in the afternoon played water balloon games and had a water pistol showdown! On Tuesday 13th July was the Sponsored Fun Run – Y6 ran around the field for 30 minutes to raise money for bee friendly plants in the orchard bed. Well done Ted B who managed an impressive 25 laps! On Wednesday 14th July we went on our trip to Harlow Outdoor Centre where the children tried canoeing and stand up paddle boarding in the morning and in the afternoon they worked together in teams to build a raft. Afterwards, they had a race to see which raft was built the best. Luckily the weather was dry and sunny and it was a fantastic day enjoyed by everyone. Next week Year 6 will be performing their play Cinderella and creating their bee friendly flower beds. A very busy last few days.