Reception Class Autumn Term Newsletter – second half term
Dear parents/carers,
I do hope you had restful half-term. We are already enjoying our new topic in class! We will be thinking about Light and Dark – the changing seasons and focusing on a number of Autumn / Winter festivals about light and colour – Diwali, Bonfire Night, Remembrance and Christmas.
Please make sure that all clothes are clearly labelled and ensure that all children bring a suitable warm coat, hat, gloves and scarf (if required) to school now that the weather is turning colder. We still go outside as much as possible and it is essential that the children are suitably dressed. A reminder also, that the children need to bring their full PE kit including trainers in their PE bags. These will remain in school and the children will change before and after PE.
Forest School
We will be visiting Snail Wood this half-term. Fingers crossed for no wind! Once again, please make sure that children are wearing ample layers of old clothes, not their school uniform under their waterproofs. They must have a hat and gloves (waterproof if possible).
Phonics and Reading
Please support your child’s learning at home by identifying sounds in the home and garden, reading the phonemes and tricky words provided and sound talking words as much as possible so that they can practice blending sounds. E.g. “Please come and s-i-t down?” Please keep reading with and to your child as much as possible.
In addition, you could use the oxford owl website which has a number of free e-readers you could share together:
As we learn each new sounds we are learning how to write the letter shape too – lower case and capital letter.
Please support your child by counting regularly and identifying the digit/s that represent each number out of context ie not in order on a number line. It is also important for the children to see numbers in different arrangements so that they start to recognise how many without actually counting them.
Many thanks for your contributions towards snack. Once again, we are asking for a voluntary donation of £7 per child for this half of the term. Please send CASH in a named envelope in your child’s home folder. We will be trying cultural snacks this half term to support our new topic.
Library day – every Friday. Please send the library book and bookmark in their bag on Fridays even when we are at Forest School so they can change it for a new book.
Proud Clouds – please do continue sending proud clouds in.
Useful Dates:
12/11, 26/11, 10/12 Forest School
29.11.21 Audley End Train trip
6.12.21 Tray Day
16.21.21 Class Nativity
Please do keep an eye on the school website and Tapestry for regular photos and updates about what we are doing!
Best wishes, Mrs Course and Mrs Berrett
We will remember.