Headteacher Newsletter Issue 6
Christmas has begun at Clavering Primary School. The tree is up and has been decorated by the youngest and eldest children in the school, with the help from Mr Snelling. The children are wearing Christmas jumpers today and the choir represented the school incredibly well last Saturday at The Spirit of Christmas event at St Mary’s Church in Saffron Walden. We were all very proud of them. Next week we have our Christmas plays and we hope you will be able to join us for them.
Governor Update
It has been another fantastic term for the pupils at Clavering School, events like Spirit of Christmas, the annual “Neon Disco”, Multi-skills at Joyce Frankland, Cross Country, Trips to Audley End and of course friendship week to name but a few. As Governors, we have had new additions this term and as a collective, we are confident that these additions will complement the team already in place. We, as a governing board, had the opportunity to come to the school for our first Governor Focus Day. We were blown away by the confidence and eloquence of the children that we were fortunate enough to meet, also by the wonderful lessons we were able to sit through and observe. This is something that we are looking to continue to do going into 2024 and beyond to assist Miss Allsop and her team to achieve the targets that they set out for the academic year. All that is left to say is on behalf of the governing board we would like to wish you all a very happy holiday and look forward to an even more exciting 2024.
The children had a fantastic time at Bikeability last week. The children showed their resilience (especially when it got a bit chilly!) and listened to the instructions carefully to enable them to learn to ride safely on the roads. All the children that took part passed the assessments and were rewarded with a badge and certificate. Well done Class 6!
Sports Hall Athletics
Some members of classes 3 and 4 had a fantastic afternoon at sports hall athletics. Firstly, all children participated in a ‘field event’ these were activities such as the long jump, high jump and javelin. Then they took it in turns to complete the ‘track races’. There were different obstacle and relay races. All children tried their best and demonstrated fantastic sportsmanship. We are extremely proud that Clavering was placed 2nd overall, competing against many local primary schools!
Santa Dash
Last week, Ms Esterhuizen from JFAN, visited Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 so that they could take part in a Santa Dash. They got to wear Christmas jumpers and accessories and took part in some festive running to Christmas music. It was a tad chilly, but the children had a great time and were feeling suitably festive afterwards.
Spirit of Christmas
It was a pleasure to watch our dedicated and wonderful school choir take part in the annual Spirit of Christmas concert at St. Mary’s Church in Saffron Walden last Saturday. Twenty-eight singers from Years 2 to 6 sang their solo song Somewhere in my Memory conducted by Mrs Thomas. They were absolutely brilliant and all that attended are now feeling really festive! The church has the most gorgeous acoustics, and the children were very fortunate to hear the Choral Society and Town Band and to watch all the other schools. A huge thank you to Mrs Thomas and Mrs Abrahams for rehearsing the choir every Wednesday and to Mrs Course and Mrs Clutterbuck for their help on the day.
Mrs Thomas has lots more planned for the choir including another recording session in the studio! Please do contact the school if your child is interested in the joining the choir next term.
Year 3 Egyptian day
Class 3 had an extremely enjoyable ‘Ancient Egyptian Day’. All children (and adults) came to school dressed as Egyptians, everyone looked fantastic! We spent the morning moving between different stations creating Egyptian crafts which included mummification, creating canopic jars, and writing our names in hieroglyphics. In the afternoon we were split into groups. Each group rehearsed a performance of an Egyptian tale. We then came together for a banquet where we performed to the Pharaoh (Oscar) and his Queen (Delilah). Thank you to all parent helpers for making the day possible.
Clubs will start the week commencing 8th January 2024
Monday | |
Football Club | Year 4 – 6 3.20 – 4.20 |
Drama Club STING | Year 1 – 6 3.20 – 4.20
Starts 15/01/24 |
Tuesday | |
Football Club | Year 1,2 3.20 – 4.20 |
Fitness Club | Year 1 – 4 3.20 – 4.20 |
Wednesday | |
Football Club | Year 3 3.20 – 4.20 |
Choir Club | Year 2 – 6 3.20 – 4.20 |
Thursday | |
Dodgeball Club | Year 4 – 6 3.20 – 4.20 |
Relax Kids | Year 3 – 6 3.20 – 4.20 |
Swimming lessons will start Monday January 8th for 6 weeks for children in Year 3.
School Admissions – Primary – Apply Now!!
To apply quickly and easily for primary school places go online to https://www.essex.gov.uk/admissions-to-essex-schools-for-the-next-school-year
Primary (Reception) places for September 2024
From 6 November 2023 you can apply online for your child’s school place https://www.essex.gov.uk/apply-for-a-primary-school-place
You must submit an application by the national closing date of 15 January 2024. Applications received after this date are considered late and will reduce your chance of being offered a place at your preferred schools. Please note even if a parent already has a sibling at the school, you still need to apply if you have a child due to start Reception next September.
Application for leave of absence for term time holidays
Guidance from the Local Authority:
“Leave of absence may only be granted by a person authorised in that behalf by the proprietor of the school. As from 1st September 2013, the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 amended Regulation 7 to prohibit the proprietor of a maintained school from granting leave of absence to a pupil, except where an advance application has been made by the parent with whom the pupil normally resides, and the proprietor considers that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.
Taking your child out of school during term time could be detrimental to your child’s educational progress. There is no entitlement to parents to take their child out of school during term time, however, you may apply to the school for leave of absence if you believe there are exceptional circumstances.
If the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case will be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school.”
Please note occasional days for birthdays and treats cannot be authorised and cheaper prices cannot be considered to be a valid reason. No leave of absence will be granted during our assessment weeks or the first week of the Autumn term. Medical appointments, if at all possible should be made outside school hours. Siblings of children attending medical appointments should remain in school.
Free School Meals Funding
You can register for Free Schools Meals Funding if you meet the criteria below.
If you have a child in Key Stage One and are receiving the free meal, which is part of the universal offer, you could be missing out on this additional funding for the school, which will support your child with their learning, if you meet the criteria below. You have to apply for this funding. If you think you meet the criteria below then please follow the guidance below and contact the school office.
Mobile Phones
This is a gentle reminder not to use mobile phones whilst on the school site.
This is part of our safe-guarding policy for all of our children.
5.12.23 Bag2School
13.12.23 KS1 dress rehearsal, KS2 dress rehearsal, KS2 evening performance yr 5 and 6 parents, 6pm
14.12.23 Reception Nativity 10am, KS1 performance 2pm, KS2 evening performance yr 3 and 4 parents, 6pm
15.12.23 Tray Day
18.12.23 Friends of Clavering Christmas Shopping Morning
19.12.23 Christmas Lunch and entertainment
20.12.23 End of term
Week ending 24th November
Reception Ezzie for working so hard to do very neat handwriting
Year One Daisy for working so hard on her phonics
Year Two Scarlett for great understanding of column subtraction
Year Three Barney for fantastic performance poetry and great effort in all areas this week
Year Four Tilly P for asking excellent questions while interviewing a Victorian child about their job
Year Five Toben for excellent teamwork and understanding in our DT/cooking session
Year Six Cindy for working hard to become more independent with her learning
Week ending 1st December
Reception Sophie for her brilliant singing and enthusiasm for the class Nativity
Year One Naomi for always listening so carefully and for working so hard
Year Two Nell for great improvement in her column subtraction with exchanges
Year Three Caleb for a great improvement in the presentation of his work and super effort with his handwriting
Year Four Matilda W for being super resilient this week, especially at the athletics event
Year Five Maya for excellent note-taking and investigative skills researching the Elgin Marbles
Year Six Bella for fantastic effort in Maths this week
Writer of the Week
Year R Maisie for trying very hard to write her name
Year 1 Cameron for wonderful writing linked to the Jolly Postman
Year 2 Rollo for fantastic improvement in handwriting and using finger spaces
Year 3 Thomas for super joined handwriting
Year 4 Dougray for a great effort with handwriting
Year 5 Mollie for a fantastic Greek Myth
Year 6 Toby for his great use of fronted adverbials
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend.
Rosalind Allsop