Class 5 Newsletter Spring Term
Spring Newsletter, Year 5 Badger Class
Welcome back! We hope you have enjoyed your holidays and are fully refreshed for the new year. We outline below the curriculum areas to be covered this term and look forward to seeing you soon for our snow-delayed tray day.
In English this term, we will be reading a classic text as a class and discussing similarities and variations in themes, style and language choices with modern literature. In our own writing we will be developing our ability to vary sentence structures and to write at length with increasing cohesion and impact, using parenthesis and modal verbs appropriately. We will be linking with our topic learning to put our research and report writing into practise and will be reading about The Titanic in our poetry unit. Our word focus will continue to develop the children’s understanding of etymology, identifying word roots and adding prefixes and suffixes to alter meaning. Self- and peer-assessment remain important areas for development and we will be using a range of approaches to improve the children’s ability to assess and improve their own written work. Our reading groups will support the children to explore their understanding of and responses to texts and we encourage the children to read as widely as possible both within school and at home.
We will start this term by looking at perimeter and area then we move onto multiplication and division. We will start looking at different methods to multiply larger numbers by a 2-digit number as well as solving multiplication word problems. We will then move onto short division and division with remainders. After that, we will revise fractions, looking at multiplying fractions and finding fractions of amounts. This leads onto work on decimals and percentages; finding equivalents decimals, fractions, and percentages. Lastly, we will look at statistics and plotting information on different types of graphs. The children will continue to practise their times tables regularly and will also be multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We will regularly set the children problem solving investigations to develop their real-life problem solving and reasoning skills.
History and Geography
This term, we will begin by learning about early Islamic civilisation, studying Baghdad in around 900AD. We will learn about the development of teaching and learning based around the House of Wisdom and the importance of some of the ideas developed here for life today. Our geography topic will involve a study of rivers, learning about the formation of river features and the importance of rivers to settlement patterns.
This term we will continue to learn about forces, discussing what gravity and resistance are and identifying the effects of friction and water resistance. We will then learn about Earth and Space. The children will describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system and they will describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth. The children will use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky. The children will have lots of opportunities to work scientifically, planning different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions. They will take measurements, use a range of scientific equipment, record results using scientific diagrams and labels, and report and present their findings using conclusions and scientific explanations.
The children will learn about programming; they will be introduced to flowcharts and how they are used to program and control devices. The children will be taught to build sequences of instructions, control multiple outputs and structure algorithms with decisions and inputs. The children will also be using word processing to present their work.
Art and DT
Our Art this term will involve a study of paintings of water, including work by Maggi Hambling, Turner, Monet and Hockney and learning to apply acrylic paint in a style inspired by Hambling’s wave paintings. We will also be exploring ideas generated by Vernet’s painting, A Shipwreck on Stormy Seas, in Art Week.
In DT, we will be looking at how to build and strengthen simple framework structures, choosing materials and joins to build a mini-playground for our friends in Year 1 to play with.
In RE, we will be thinking about how religious beliefs have impacted art and music throughout history. We will link our learning with our history topic on Baghdad and our own knowledge of Christian iconography to compare and contrast Islamic and Christian art forms.
Our PSHE to begin the year will focus on belonging to a community and the importance of compassion and understanding of each other’s differences to ensure each member of a community feels valued. We will move on to media literacy and then thinking about the value of money and what we choose to spend it on.
This term the children will be taught by a specialist teacher. They will listen to and learn to use brass instruments as well as learning to read simple musical scores.
For the first half term, the children will be partaking in sports hall athletics and dance. In the second half term they will take part in netball and hockey.
We will be continuing to practice our spoken French and our numbers to 50 and will be broadening our vocabulary to order a range of food items in a café or shop and tell the time to the quarter hour. We will also learn about our homes and how to name the rooms in a house in French. We are beginning to recognize the use of agreement in French and to apply this in our own sentence making and are becoming increasingly confident to spell and pronounce French words correctly. Our French ‘running dictations’ and in-class games help our ability to recall our learning but any further practice you feel able to do at home would also help this greatly.
The children will continue to be asked to complete 3 pieces of homework each week; these will include spellings and one piece each of English and maths homework, each taking approximately 40 minutes to complete. As previously, homework should build upon work in class and it should be clear to your child what is required of them. Please limit your support to ensuring that they have the opportunity to complete their work in time, discussing the activity required – asking them to explain their work to you can help to clarify and embed their learning – and making sure that they present their work neatly and to the best of their ability. If they have any questions, we are always happy to answer them.
As ever, please encourage your child in their reading, giving them the opportunity where possible to sample a wide range of text types and support their interest in reading by discussing what they have read and by continuing to share texts together when possible. They should read daily at home, completing reading challenges regularly as they wish.
If you have any concerns or issues you would like to discuss regarding your child, please don’t hesitate to contact the office if you would like to arrange a meeting.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mrs Rudkin and Mrs Gates