Class 6 Newsletter Summer Term
Welcome back! I hope everyone has had a restful Easter break and are ready for the final term of year 6.
English: Through our English lessons we will have a film study, write non-chronological reports, recounts, fiction, and information texts. We are starting off our VIPERS (whole class reading) with the text ‘Pig Heart Boy’ by Malorie Blackman. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, handwriting, editing and other literacy skills are weaved throughout all our curriculum. The children are continuing to strengthen their dictionary and thesaurus skills and learning to support one another with improvement of writing.
Maths: We will continue to improve mental calculations along with recapping many mathematical areas including fractions, decimals & percentages, area, perimeter, volume, converting units, ratio, and algebra. We will also look at the four operations and begin to look at mathematics beyond KS2. It is essential children are fluent in their multiplication and can recall multiplication division facts up to the twelve’s times table.
Science: Light – Through our learning children will recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines, use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye, explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes, and use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them.
Electricity – The pupils will associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit, compare, and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches and use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram.
Topic (History/Geography): To start the term off we will be looking at the country of Brazil and apply our understanding of human and physical geography. In History we will be studying the Battle of Britain to see a turning point in British History.
Languages: La France! – Understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing using developing knowledge of vocabulary and understanding of grammatical structures.
Computing: We will continue to focus on information technology (media) to complete our advert work and then move onto computer science by examining AI and understand how this can assist coding.
Art and DT: In Art we will learn about great artists focusing on the work of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein and their contribution to the Pop Art movement. In DT we will be focusing on mechanical systems and linking to our science topic of electricity.
Religious Education: This term we will be looking at Human/Social Science with the focus on the question – How do beliefs shape identity for Muslims?
P.E: Mr Snelling will be leading both of our PE sessions this term. PE will take place on a Thursday and Friday afternoons. However, it is essential PE kits are in school from Monday ready for the week and children will come home in kits on a Friday (uniform in their bags) so it can be washed. Please remember deodorant needs to be stick/roll on – please no aerosols and all uniform and PE kits are clearly named, including footwear. We will also have Swimming on a Monday later in the term.
PSHE: Our PSHE topics this term is healthy sleep, mindfulness, sex education, FGM and first aid. The children will continue their play leading and working with Reception but in a different capacity this term.
Music: We will listen and appraise music from different times and cultures and compose short pieces.
Homework: The children will be set Maths, English or Topic homework each week which should be completed in their Learning Log by the following Wednesday. On occasion the children may be set a project to complete over a set period which will run alongside regular homework. Six sets of spellings will be issued for the half term and tests will take place every Friday. Reading – Please do discuss their book and reading choices with your child and continue to listen to them reading aloud when possible; this enables them to read at a pace to allow spellings and grammatical structures to be absorbed more readily. Additional homework may be set on occasions to support specific areas of learning as required.
Children are actively encouraged to bring in a snack for break time each day. It is often a long time between breakfast and lunch and a snack is important to keep us all going. We ask that these are healthy, in line with our Healthy Schools ethos (fruit or vegetables in their natural forms). Children must have a water bottle in school every day.
Events for your Diary
Friday 19th April – Forest School (PM)
Tuesday 7th May – Parent meeting for SATs/Kingswood (more information to follow)
13th – 16th May – KS2 SATs Week
Thursday 6th June – Sports Day
Friday 7th June – Forest School with Reception (AM)
Thursday 13th June – Crucial Crew (more information to follow)
16th – 19th June – Kingswood Residential
Monday 22nd July – Leavers Assembly
The team working alongside me this term to support the class is: Mrs Lipscomb, Mrs Neal and Mr Snelling.
Mobile Phones/End of day
Please remind your child if they bring their phone to school, it must be handed in switched off, first thing in the morning and that they cannot go on their phone until they have left school grounds. Also, if they are walking, they need to walk sensibly down the school path and be mindful of families leaving at the same time.
If you do have any quick questions, please do come a speak to me at the beginning or the end of the day, if a longer discussion is required, please phone/email the office to arrange an appointment.
Miss Morton